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Cafes and Restaurants in San Juan Del Sur

Thanks for checking out this article. When people are coming to San Juan Del Sur, especially for the first time, they ask for recommendations on what cafes and restaurants I like. So I wanted to do this guide to the places we go to most often.

This list is by no means exhaustive. On Tripadivsor for San Juan Del Sur there are eighty six restaurants listed. Some of them are no longer open, and there are new ones that aren’t on there yet. It’s too many to include them all in a concise manner.There are definitely more that you might like. I’ll try to add some additional options / honourable mentions or one that covers the resto-bars.Which I left off the list for now.

Plenty of those that may warrant another article in the future. Apologies if you are the owner of an establishment in town and your’s isn’t on this list. That’s no slight, there are a lot more great places to eat and drink in town. These ones provide a good place to start and you can explore more from there.

The community in San Juan Del Sur is great. The high ratio of places to eat, drink, work from, and socialize are a major factor in creating that commnity. It’s a major reason why a lot of people end up moving down here, with some of them buying property.

So whether you’re coming down for a visit or looking to stay longer, here are my favourite spots in town. Thanks for reading.

Thanks for checking out this article. If you’re looking for property in San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua, feel free to reach out to me. And please go pop out to visit NiCafe! They are my favourite kind of business, good food and drinks, kind staff, and a great business model.

Cheers 🌴🏖️

Joel Stott-Jess

Cell / WhatsApp: +505 8176 8624

US Number 1 786 753 8743

Skype: joelstottjess

Instagram: jstottjess

Facebook: Life In Nica

Joel Stott-Jess is a New York Times featured agent / broker in San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua.

Originally from Alberta, Canada he has been doing business in Nicaragua since 2014.

An investment consultant, serial entrepreneur, surfer, and outdoor enthusiast he is an expert on the real estate and business markets in Nicaragua.  He also operates The Central Investor, a real estate and investment blog focused on the entire Central American region.

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